Al Fakher Tobacco 250g

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$ 12.99

Al Fakher is a brand of hookah tobacco that is known for its high-quality, flavorful blends. The brand was established in the United Arab Emirates in 1999 and has since become one of the most popular hookah tobacco brands in the world.

Al Fakher hookah tobacco is made using high-quality tobacco leaves and natural ingredients, such as fruit extracts, molasses, and honey. The brand offers a wide range of flavors, including fruity, minty, and floral flavors, as well as unique flavor combinations.
Some of the most popular Al Fakher flavors include Double Apple, Mint, and Grapefruit. The brand also offers a range of flavors inspired by different regions and cultures, such as Eskandarani Apple (an Egyptian-style apple flavor) and Rose (a traditional Middle Eastern flavor).

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