Foil Puncher For Hookah

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$ 1.99

A hookah puncher, also known as a hookah poker or needle, is a tool used to make holes in the foil or screen that covers the hookah bowl.

A hookah puncher typically consists of a small, pointed metal rod with a handle. To use a hookah puncher, first prepare the hookah bowl by placing a piece of foil or screen over the top and tucking the edges under the rim. Then, use the puncher to make several evenly spaced holes in the foil or screen. The size and spacing of the holes can affect the draw and flavor of the hookah smoke.
Hookah punchers come in a variety of designs and may feature additional features, such as a retractable tip or a built-in brush for cleaning. It's important to select a hookah puncher that is compatible with the size and shape of your hookah bowl, and to use it with care to avoid damaging the bowl or other components.

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